Global Outreach

We have a passion for sharing the hope of Jesus with a hurting world. We serve and love our global community as we pray, give, and go – following Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you...” Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV). Our Global Outreach Ministry provides unique and life-changing opportunities for discipleship through short term mission trips, missionary partnerships, and global partners.

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2024 Short Term Missions Trip List

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Support for Ukraine

We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and for peace. Refugees are arriving daily in neighboring Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. OHC will be supporting refugee relief work through trusted partners like World Relief, Samaritan’s Purse and a regional network of churches and pastors. 

We are also supporting local partners inside Ukraine. They are focused on caring for orphans and other vulnerable populations, while also helping provide safe passage for families. These brave partners are using whatever they have to serve families, including distributing blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, and other camping gear.

OHC is dedicating disaster recovery funds toward bringing the hope of Jesus to Ukrainians. You can help by giving through the church, click Give Now below, and select the Fund: “Disaster Recovery.”

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Campaigns and Causes

As followers of Christ, we esteem the beliefs and actions of Jesus as guiding values. One of our values is Persistent Prayer. Jesus aligned his will to God's and fueled his relationship with persistent prayer. We invite you to join us in showing love and compassion as we partner in persistent prayer for our suffering brothers and sisters.

Sunday, November 5, 2023 is designated as the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). We will join thousands of churches across the United States and the world in prayer for Christians facing persecution. During our weekend worship services, we'll remember our brothers and sisters in places like Burkina Faso, China, and India who persevere in the face of great persecution and intercede on their behalf. 

The Persecuted Church

This world is in upheaval. Record levels of refugees; unprecedented persecution of Christians; unending war, hatred and terrorism. It is enough to make you close your eyes and ears to the world, as well as your heart. But is this how the Body of Christ should respond?

We at Oak Hills Church choose to open our eyes and attune our ears to the suffering in the world. We choose to learn about persecution, to pray for our brothers and sisters who bravely witness for Jesus in the face of great danger, and to engage in the battle by joining with those who are responding with love and compassion to the hurting in our world.

Prayer for the Indian Church

Persecution is a part of the Christian life in many countries where Oak Hills Church ministers. Some of the greatest persecution happens in India, home to the world’s largest Hindu population, 2nd largest Muslim population, and where fewer than 2% of the people are professing Christians.

As we join in intercession for the persecuted church, we ask for your prayers for the Christian family of India. Please pray specifically for the faithful church planters and evangelists who are taking the Gospel of Jesus to difficult, unreached areas and peoples. Pray also that many sons and daughters would be adopted into the family of God through their faithful Gospel witness.

Pray specifically for OHC’s partners at Mission India, including the the Adult Literacy Classes, the Year-Long Children's Bible Clubs, and the Church Planter Training that your donations make possible. 

Watching this video will help guide you in praying specifically for India.

Many Ways to Get Involved 

Learn | Visit Open Doors USA or Voice of the Martyrs.

Pray | Sign up for emails with specific prayer requests from around the world at I Commit To Pray – An initiative of Voice of the Martyrs,  a place to gather and pray for the persecuted church.

Pray for OHC Missionaries and Partners working in areas of high persecution: Burkina Faso, China, Indonesia, and India – Mission India as well as:

Pioneer Bible Translators – working in many areas of high persecution 

Oak Hills Church has partnered with World Vision for over 15 years to bring hope in the name of Jesus to impoverished communities around the world. As we emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, Oak Hills joined a new World Vision initiative called “Chosen” focused on 3 different communities in Honduras. Over the next year, over 900 OHC people from OHC signed up to be “Chosen” by a Honduran child to be their sponsor.

In early 2023, Travis and Alisha Eades and Mike Oakes traveled to Honduras to visit the kids and communities that we collectively sponsor. They met their sponsored children and were blown away by the positive impact that World Vision is having on these communities. Would you like to be “Chosen” too? It’s easy. Just click the link below and pretty soon, a child will be blessed with the opportunity to choose YOU.

Get Chosen Today!

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We partner with organizations around the globe to share the hope of Jesus with a hurting world. Learn more about our partners by clicking the logos below.

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